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  • June 2010
    M T W T F S S

Dodgy business

Between a really upset tummy since Friday (probably with compliments of a dodgy pie) which had me glued to the throne while calling over the telephone into a bucket; and a very on and off (more off than on) internet connection, I really haven’t been around much.

To add insult to injury, a very mean toady (glares daggers in the direction of Cape Town) refused my plea to take me with her to the Italy soccer game for my birthday so we could perve over the players together, and instead has sent her Cape Doctor gale force wind and icy weather conditions to me in Durban and freezing my last remaining brain cell. *deep, plaintive sigh*

So, with nothing to say, I shall leave you lot with a photo instead while I contemplate going into the office today in my pj’s and gown.

My packet puddy - Lucyanydots

Handbag flowers